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GUARD 5 knee pads - maximum padding combined with a gel pad and 12mm thick cell foam. The durable GUARD 5 knee pads are an indispensable tool for gardening Features...
GUARD 5 knee pads - maximum padding combined with a gel pad and 12mm thick cell foam. The durable GUARD 5 knee pads are an indispensable tool for gardening Features...
Availability: 100 In Stock
Sku: 22440
Product Type: Knieschoner
Vendor: GUARD 5

GUARD 5 knee pads - maximum padding combined with a gel pad and 12mm thick cell foam. The durable GUARD 5 knee pads are an indispensable tool for gardening

  • Features - Our knee pads are ideal for both men and women thanks to flexible adjustment
  • High-quality, hard-wearing materials are reliably processed for the knee pads
  • Gel knee pads for gardening, craftsmen, tilers, as well as for all floor work

GUARD 5 knee pads - maximum padding combined with a gel pad and 12mm thick cell foam. The durable GUARD 5 knee pads are an indispensable tool for gardening

  • Features - Our knee pads are ideal for both men and women thanks to flexible adjustment
  • High-quality, hard-wearing materials are reliably processed for the knee pads
  • Gel knee pads for gardening, craftsmen, tilers, as well as for all floor work

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